Catboo Font

Free for commercial use
Font Introduction

Catboo font is a bold and irresistibly cute handcrafted cartoon font designed to bring a touch of whimsy and charm to your designs. Crafted with bold strokes and rounded edges, it radiates a playful and endearing vibe. The glossy elements add an extra layer of visual appeal, turning every letter into a shiny, delightful gem.

Perfect for projects requiring a bold and cute vibe, such as children’s books, playful branding, or any design endeavor seeking a lighthearted touch. Plus, it’s available for Free Download, making it convenient to incorporate this delightful font into your work.

Designed by:Syafrizal a.k.a. Khurasan Website
License: Free for commercial use

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When tomorrow turns in today, yesterday, and someday that no more important in your memory, we suddenly realize that we r pushed forward by time. This is not a train in still in which you may feel forward when another train goes by. It is the truth that we’ve all grown up. And we become different.

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